Despite apparently being too lewd for Steam, Yuzusoft’s Angelic☆Chaos RE-BOOT! (also known as Tenshi☆Souzou RE-BOOT!) has been released. Demons, angels, and other worlds collide in this reincarnation romance.
The Demon Lord, Reincarnated
Riku Tanikaze is a fairly normal 2nd year student. He’s somewhat of a slacker, enjoys his porn and eroge, and has a few friends. The only unusual thing is that he’s been experiencing dreams of fire recently.
One day during his dreams, the fire starts to hurt him. A beautiful angel appears, protecting him. It’s a wonderful encounter, but something happens soon after. He found that he was no longer able to rise to the occasion as it were; Riku could no longer get an erection.
Noa the angel appeared in front of him in real life, telling him that the fire is his mana and that he’s the reincarnation of the Diablo Alyon, the demon lord from another world. She is there to protect him and it seems that his ‘little problem’ is related to his past life.
While this is understandably very important to Riku, more urgent issues soon popped up. Not only was he transforming into a demon form from his past life, but his (blood-related) sister Amane and classmate Kurumi were transforming into their own past demon forms. Kaguya and Orie came from another world to help, but we find forces working against them to try and steal Riku’s mana.
Daily Chaos
Much of the appeal of moege visual novels such as this one is the humor, and there’s certainly plenty of it here. Most of this is in the form of character interactions and silly overreactions.
Amane is somewhat of a brat and messes with Riku pretty frequently. We see her pouting, teasing him, jokingly flirting, and even sending him sexy selfies to get a reaction. She insults him pretty often and these moments did regularly get a laugh from me. This even extends to her H-scenes, with the insults ramping up at points in these.
Noa is very different. Fittingly for an angel, she’s quite innocent and easily embarrassed. Amane soon traumatizes Noa by telling her how erections work and by showing her lewd doujinshi (hobbyist manga). This starts a downward spiral, where Noa is most often a dutiful and somewhat solemn angel with a tranquil vibe, who perhaps starts to enjoy eating potato chips, drinking cola, and reading manga too much.
Caqua (or Kaguya as she starts to be called) is a demon and princess from the other world. Her actions and words to Riku are often sexually charged, so seeing how badly he deals with her can be amusing. She’s almost always followed by her attendant Orie (a sub-heroine), who is quite stern and excessively loyal to her, getting angry at Riku for Kaguya’s actions.
Kurumi is once described as the ‘chief giggler’ as she’s always laughing. She’s an outgoing heroine who has a fun dynamic with two friends who often hang around with her and a hilarious habit of self-destructing by accidentally talking about somewhat extreme sexual things, not realizing they’re extreme, then getting embarrassed. The sub-heroine Fumika doesn’t appear too often but similarly gets embarrassed over sexual topics.
The heroines other than Fumika often come together and play off each other well. Little interactions like seeing how Amane (who is somewhat introverted) can’t deal with the outgoing and affectionate Kurumi help to create more interesting dynamics. Noa and Kaguya have some back and forth too, with their own duties and thoughts on how to protect Riku. Quite often scenes just depict their daily life too, like everyone playing (mostly Nintendo-inspired) video games together, going to school until the summer break, and spending time at home.
Plot? Yes, there’s a Plot
Unlike Café Stella and the Reaper’s Butterflies, which was the Yuzusoft visual novel released most recently before this one (and which is set in the same universe as this one), I feel like Angelic☆Chaos RE-BOOT! keeps the plot in mind throughout. In the common route and main heroine routes, it never spends too long without some new issue needing to be explored.
Sometimes it’s uncontrollable transformations, discussion about the past war, progress toward restoring Riku’s manhood, a dire threat, or exploring the identity and motivations of enemies. While it’s certainly not a thrilling mystery or adventure, I certainly enjoyed the story moments of this visual novel.
As well as seeing current events, flashbacks were used often to find out more about their past incarnations and that world. I thought these linked well with the ongoing events.
The main heroine routes helped to explore the story more and see different angles of past events. For the most part, these fit together nicely, though there was some repetition. While it wasn’t always the case, seeing little hints like Noa reacting oddly to something said in Amane’s route and then finding out why in Noa’s route was always satisfying. Route order isn’t particularly important, but I did make some suggestions in our walkthrough/guide that take advantage of this.
The common route of Angelic☆Chaos RE-BOOT! works well to introduce the heroines and setting. That said, Amane and Noa get the most screen time, followed by Kaguya and Orie. It’s somewhat of a pity that Kurumi doesn’t tie into the story as much as some of the others until her route. Even Fumika gets more importance placed on her it feels.
There are quite a lot of choices throughout the common route and heroine routes, as our walkthrough/guide explains. This includes bad endings, though unlike some visual novels, I imagine that most readers will want to go out of their way to read these ones.
I found all of the main heroine’s routes interesting. Each one explored issues with the other world, Diablo Alyon’s actions and reasons behind them, and how they affected the current reincarnations of those who had them. The reveals felt well-paced between developing the romance and other elements of the story and it used hints and foreshadowing well to reveal certain things about the heroine’s experiences.
While each heroine’s route does put more focus on their respective heroine, at least for the main heroines, the others appeared frequently enough outside of their own routes too. I always appreciate this, as it feels unusual when the others mostly disappear from the story, especially when there are ongoing threats.
A few elements felt a little hamfisted at times. For instance, Riku suddenly wants to be closer to Kurumi near the start of her route without much in the way of explanation or setup leading into it. A certain development at the end of Kaguya’s route felt very unusual as well, to the point it didn’t seem to make sense. For the most part though, their stories are all structured well enough and come together nicely at the end. Amane’s wrapped up particularly well, resolving the issues of two of the characters and not taking the easy way out of a certain problem.
Orie’s route was a pleasant surprise. While the story doesn’t relate much to the main plot with the other world or demons (as is typical for a Yuzusoft sub-heroine route), we see a slow change in her from being somewhat harsh and sometimes defensive of Kaguya to a girl who is both protective and sweet.
The only route I didn’t enjoy much was Fumika’s, which was somewhat of a pity as I like her character quite a bit. Her first CG is also particularly striking CG as a bonus. It just felt like not much happened and the relationship escalated in a rush without taking much time to address the issue that she is Riku’s teacher, even if she’s also his (much older) childhood friend. The one conflict that occurs was resolved within a few scenes too.
I should also note that Angelic☆Chaos RE-BOOT! is fairly long. Even as a somewhat fast reader, it took me about 40 hours to finish everything.
Adult Scenes
Unlike the other Yuzusoft titles, there is no all-ages version of Angelic☆Chaos RE-BOOT!, so you’re either going through the adult content or holding the Ctrl key down when it appears. Even then, Amane’s demon outfit barely covers her nipples.
These scenes are relatively standard, though with the story, there is often an initial focus on trying to solve Riku’s lack of an erection. Transformations and elements of magic are apparent in some scenes too. Some heroines do have some mild fetishes involved, with Noa’s particularly small body, Amane throwing insults, and Kaguya having a particular kink (as well as some rather seductive whispering scenes), among a couple of other mild things. Surprisingly, a non-heroine has an adult scene too.
Each heroine has an unlockable after story scene. These are primarily related to the adult content, but Kurumi’s also adds a nice extra scene that gives a more satisfying end for a character in her route.
Art, Sound, and Features
As is typical for modern Yuzusoft, the art feels high-budget. There are some absolutely beautiful CGs, with one of Noa’s with her wings out being a favorite. Surprisingly, we often see Riku’s face in a lot of the CGs too, rather than just the heroines.
Sprites often change multiple times midline, which does well to create a sense of animation. You can see shifting eyes, changing expressions, and similar. Other animations are shown occasionally too, like falling feathers or movement in the super-deformed/chibi CGs, like a character rocking their head back and forth.
The characters are all voiced, though the protagonist is only voiced in flashbacks. Experienced voice actresses are used for the main heroines who deliver great performances, and while some of the side characters have fewer visual novel credits to their name they still do a great job.
There are quite a few voice actresses who have performed in Yuzusoft titles before. Noa’s voice actress played Mei from Café Stella and the Reaper’s Butterflies, Kaguya’s played Hazuki from Riddle Joker, and Amane’s played Natsume and Chisaki from Café Stella and Riddle Joker respectively.
I enjoyed the soundtrack. They all fit the scenes well and felt distinct. The opening theme and its reprises are a favorite.
The options in Angelic☆Chaos RE-BOOT! are quite plentiful. It had quite a lot of options like font and text color, individual character volume, aspect ratio, animation, and so on. Extra features like saving voice lines and multi-language display are also available, as is navigation via a flowchart. There’s a phone message feature for certain conversations, which even has expandable CGs.
A small amount of text errors are present, but no more than expected for such a long visual novel. It’s mostly minor issues, such as typos, an incorrect word used, or missing words. I did not encounter any other bugs or issues.
Angelic☆Chaos RE-BOOT! has some great heroines, plenty of fun interactions, and a pretty good plot to enjoy with some beautiful illustrations. It’s a somewhat long read, but worth the time.
If you are looking for another eroge with supernatural elements, you might want to check out Hatsuyuki Sakura. We have also covered a wide variety of visual novels both original to English and localized from Japanese, which you can check out here.
Many thanks go to NekoNyanSoft for a PC review code for Angelic☆Chaos RE-BOOT!.

A gamer since the days of Amstrad and DOS and someone who has dabbled in a variety of professions. He enjoys a wide variety of genres, but has been focusing on visual novels and virtual reality in recent years. Head Editor of NookGaming. Follow him and the website on @NookSite.